
How javascript works (execution context in javascript)

Explain Values and Types in Javascript (shallow and deep copy in js)

Could you explain the difference between ES5 and ES6

How does this keyword work? Provide some code examples.

What is Scope in JavaScript?

Explain equality in Javascript

Explain Null and Undefined in Javascript

What is the "new" keyword in JavaScript?

What does the term "Transpiling" stand for?

Write a "mul" function that will properly when invoked as below syntax.

How to check if an object is an array or not? Provide some code.

Explain what a callback function is and provide a simple example.

Explain the same-origin policy with regards to JavaScript.

Why is extending built-in JavaScript objects not a good idea?

What's the difference between host objects and native objects?

Is JavaScript a pass-by-reference or pass-by-value language?